Monday, September 7, 2009

President Obama's Speech

President Obama is going to address the nation tomorrow. He is specifically going to address school aged children. I applaud his interest in education and honor his concern for young people. During the scheduled air time of his speech, the students and staff of Corbett School District will be in school. We are going to be taking to heart and putting into action his admonitions to work hard and to stay engaged. We are grateful to know that his thoughts are with us and that he is using his bully pulpit in support of our efforts. I hope that many Americans will gather their families together in the evening and watch what will doubtless be a memorable address.

Education is a noble cause. And an educated citizenry is clearly necessary to our national well-being. But education is not primarily a national cause. Education is local. K-12 education is based in the school community. The inspiration that matters most, the admonitions that will maintain the excellence of some of our schools and help to turn around others, has be local. The experience of Oregon schools in the years since the State took increased control over education has provided clear evidence of futility of 'remote' control over schools. Governors and presidents cannot be school board chairs, and legislative bodies make ineffective boards of education.

So we welcome the support and attention of President Obama. We respect his own achievements and his hope for a quality education for all children. We agree with him regarding the importance of a great education for every child. And we will spend the day forging the bonds that will keep our students in school and developing the habits that will support their long-term academic achievement.